
Hooded pea jacket Burda 08-2009-142 (3) Poche à Patte Montée

I know I named this post "Poche à Patte Montée" approximately translating "single welt pocket" and the 1st photo shows a notched collar. Honestly I could not wait any longer to show you my fist ever real notched collar. I must say I am very proud of it. It took ages to be sewn but if not perfect it still suits my standard for the moment. And from now on I am switching to French as "chose promise, chose due".  Suite de mes aventures avec ce caban Burda.  Comme je le lis souvent au fil de mes promenades sur les blogs de coutures, je ne suis pas la seule à m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois avant de réussir à décrypter les explications des magazines Burda. Voici donc une illustration de la poche à patte montée telle qu'elle est expliquée pour ce modèle. 1/ Plier la patte en deux pour superposer ses grands bords, l'endroit à l'extérieur (bâtir) 2/ Piquer la patte endroit contre endroit sur le devant. (piquer très exactement sur la ligne

Ye Olde Fashion

Image Quelle superbe façon de présenter les archives de son blog !!!! Et quel contenu !!!!

Hooded pea jacket Burda 08-2009-142 (2) Interfacing

Suite de mes aventures... le dernière fois j'ai parlé de la doublure. Sur la photo, ci-dessous la voici telle qu'elle se présente prêt à être posée. To start where I stopped last time, here's a picture of the finished lining. Now, though the jacket is not finished I am progressing slowly but steadily. I am not born organized, consequently my progression is daily interrupted by some amendments of my basic plans or by some book consulting or some googling concerning a sequence that I am not mastering and that Burda fails to explain clearly. For today, let's concentrate on  interfacing . Parlons de l'entoilage . I used a fusible tricot interfacing suitable for medium weight fabric with some stretch. To pre-shrink interfacing, I soaked it in hot (not boiling hot, but tab hot) clear water for about 20 minutes and let it dry. Méthode pour thermocoller l'entoilage : ( en anglais uniquement et je m'en excuse, mais je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps. Si vous

No image post

Though I don't like to write a post without any illustration, I'm feeling the urge to say, yes I am still here and sewing. I am fighting with DS pea jacket. It's turning out fine but slowly. I am trying my best with the notch collar. Pictures have been taken, but I spend too much time sewing and searching for tips and different methods to sew a notch collar. I finally made the decision to use this tutorial I am quite anxious to master the collar as it the focus point in a jacket IMO. I must say that never before have I realy been so conscious of the importance of what is called the "turn of cloth". More on this later...

"Tribute to Dame Elizabeth Taylor"

In addition to being a Hollywood Legend she took risks to fight AIDS. More about this here Rest In Peace Elizabeth Taylor, you will always live in our hearts.

She rocksssssssssssssss

Wanda Jackson the Queen Of Rockabilly Country

Prions pour le Japon / pray for Japan


tuto "les ruches"

Yesterday I read Kathleen's  post in Fashion Incubator discussing the difference between tucks and pleats. In the comments Marilyn  mentionned that some "fashionisti" snobs used the french term "ruche" instead of gather or gathering. To confirm her assertion here's a tutorial I found in my personnal library concerning "ruches". These are much more tan simple gathers. Hopefully, this will be of some help or interest to somebody. The french explanations may be somewhat confusing but the images speak for themselves.

Les nouveaux Marfy sont arrivés

Commençons deux robes très habillées qui me font rêver mais que je ne porterai que dans une autre vie... J'ai retenu cette veste car j'aime beaucoup l'utilisation des rayures. De toutes façon, je ne changerai jamais ce sont toujours les vestes que je préfère à toute autre pièce dans une garde-robe Bien que déjà vu, ce petit haut n'est pas pour me déplaire, sans doute en raison des coloris Je pense qu'on peut facilement adapter un patron ( Burda Style Magazine) si l'on veut reproduire cette blouse . Je termine cette sélection par un modèle safari "de luxe" plein de détails séduisants, zip, pour le côté pratique et jolies finitions style trench

caban burda 08/2009/142

I might enter this project in Pattern Review contest "Lined Jacket" if it is finished on time. Below, Burda Magazine version The muslin : Victor reluctantly modeling the muslin after is has neen altered I started by the lining : I used a Burberry style plaid and followed  Tasia complete instructions to match plaids folded fabric right side inside matching plaid before laying out the pattern pieces pinned fabric to match plaid on both layers of fabric the whole piece of fabric is pined seam lines are marked with tailor's tacks Expert Ann Rowley gives excellent instructions about it here  tailor's tacks on the wrong side of the other layer of fabric tailor's tack before cutting marked right sides of back pieces ready to be sewn together center back seam before basting the ease pleat. The back pleat of the lining is pressed and machine featherstitched through all layers  at neckline, waist, and lower edge. Closer view of t