
Burda 02-2011-139 : "Frumpy to funky"

" Frumpy to funky" I am not the author but this comment says it all. This dress was saved thanks to the very useful hints and suggestions of The Sticher's Guild members and I am very grateful to all of them. I had a lot of work to save this dress from the wadder pile. My version has nothing to do with Burda's pattern used but it works on me and no longer looks like a house dress. Many amendments were necessary to to achieve the final look. I had to shorten the finished length by 15 centimeters and added large band of the same orangy red at the hem line.  With this fabric I also made sleeve cuffs to replace the original ones. I completed the look with the tank top and the obi belt that were already dealt with in a previous post . To finish with all the alterations, I also addded shoulder pads and accessorized with higher heels sandals and a turquish blue necklace. Je sais que tout le monde ne parle pas anglais et je ferai donc un bref résumé de mes péripéti

A predictable knock-off

Guess what's on the cover of just newly issued Simplicity catalogue : Yes, a boring knock-off of the Issa 's dress Catherine, the now Duchess of Cambridge wore to announce her engagement to Prince William. I've seen nothing for me in this early autumn collection. To tell you the truth, I found the Jacky O "vintage" suit quite appaling. I don't know who could look sexy in such a matronly boxy jacket. Never mind, it's not like I am waiting for Simplicity new releases to find something to sew. My sewing wish list is ever growing and the preview of the next issue of Burda Style Magazine or whatever it is called now is quite tempting. What do you think of that sassy LBD ? I have at least two silk chiffons in my fabric collection that I could use to make this top. Last but not least, the plus size pattern are the best part of this issue as far as I am concerned and I have nothing to complain about that. I know these are quite dressy numbers but al

Glass kimonos

Les artistes américains Eric Markow & Thom Norris tissent le verre. Ils ont entre autre réalisé ces superbes kimonos. Le printemps et l'été restent à venir.

Les fleurs de mon jardin

Pas beaucoup de couture à partager cette semaine. Je retouche ma Lunel, mais j'y vais à reculons et je suis assez occupée en dehors. J'avais tout de même envie de papoter avec vous. Je vous offre donc quelques fleurs de notre jardin, c'est en fait un petit bout de cour qui ne prend pas bien le soleil. En tout cas, cela suffit à nos hortensias qui s'y épanouissent comme des rois et nous émerveillent chaque printemps. Enjoy ! J'en profite pour rendre hommage à Monsieur La Machine à Coudre et à ses talents de jardiniers. Je dois avouer que j'adore les fleurs mais pour ce qui est de las faire pousser, il ne faut pas compter sur moi. Bon dimanche et spéciale dédicace à tous les Papas.

Burda 05-20011-132 / tnt tank top

Le temps m'est compté et je m'excuse auprès de mes lecteurs français pour le copier coller que j'ai fait de la critique que j'ai écrite pour Pattern Review. Les images parlent d'elles-même. J'ai réalisé ce top pour accompagner et agrémenter la robe "LUNEL" dont je vous ai parlé la dernière fois. Pour ce qui est de la robe, le résultat fut très décevant dans un premier temps et je suis en train d'y apporter des modifications, d'où le haut et la ceinture dont il est ici question. La suite de mes (mé)saventures, ne saurait tarder. Pattern Description: I made this cami with a slip pattern found in the last May issue of Burda Stlyle Magazine. I was looking for a cami to wear under a dress that is still in progress. Of course it is a very basic sleeveless top that I could have purchased anywhere. Actualy, I chose to make it because I was looking for a precise red to be found in the dress and it happened that I had exactly the perfect t