
London Fashion Week : Mary Katrantzou

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sewing relating post ENFIN!!!!

My sewing mojo is back at last!!!. 1/I finished burda so famous turtle neck. The one below is the burda version. I used a black rayon knit for mine. 2/a boho silk blouse that I started after xmas intending to wear it for the new year. The technical drawing gives a better idea of the product than the pictures as usual for Burda. Here's what it looks like on your favourite model.   I feared it might looked like a maternity blouse but hopefuly it doesn't. Your honest opinion would be must appreciated on this point. I chose a very airy silk chiffon that I purchased at my local Toto Soldes fabric shop. To sew this very thin fabric I used my teflon foot and it helped a lot. The pintucks on the front and back neck and in the sleeve cap were rather time consuming and asked for precise marking but they are nice. The neck edge and bottom hem are intentionaly left unfinished but for a secure stiching 1 cm from the edges. Apparently it doesnt fray with that type of fabri
Pas très inspirée par la couture en ce moment.... On peut dire ce qu'on veut mais cette Amy est exceptionnellement talentueuse

Incredible Fashion Town in Sicily

Toujours l'Italie, mais dans un autre registre. Irrésistible.

O'MAST : Les secrets de l'élégance masculine à l'italienne

O'MAST from Kid Dandy on Vimeo . Pour celles et ceux qui n'auraient pas encore vu les extraits de ce documentaire consacré aux tailleurs napolitains (dans une autre vie je veux être et tailleur et napolitain) et pour moi pour que je n'ai pas besoin de chercher à droite et à gauche quand je voudrais me faire plaisir. La musique est de Allessandro Cerino